Saturday, June 20, 2009

June 20!

It's been a while! I have been busy working and hanging with the gang! Rod has been doing some computer work for a client and the kiddos are having a fun summer! The temperature for June has been VERY cool compared to years past and we have been loving life!
Taylor survived her freshman year! She passed all of her classes and made above average on all of the areas of her standardized testing! I would like to rub that in to all the elementary teachers that were not her greatest fan. NA NA NA - yeah, I know, really mature, but that was hell to live through! Taylor spent weekend in LA with Jenn, Janet, Amelia and friend and she is heading to Lake Powell for 2 weeks to be with Angela (from soccer) and her family on their houseboat. I am insanely jealous! Stay tuned to pictures of new hair!

Reagan is ready for kindergarden! Holy cow - where has the time gone???? She is going to summer camp during the weekdays at Rising Sun and enjoys getting out of the house (Rod enjoys it too :)) We are so excited that Taylor's school is opening a K-5 charter in the fall, so Reagan will go there! They are having the multi-age class rooms and constant evaluation to keep them engaged and challenged!
Matthew is growing leaps and bounds! And he is a TALKER! His first word was "GO". He now can say Reagan, DUDE! and Uh oh! And much, much more that we don't understand. He is better at sleeping all night! (Thank goodness!) This video is from this morning wandering around my sewing room!

I got 3 inches chopped of my hair and I am loving it! Here is a picture!

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