Hi! We have had a big month! We moved (yes, again and no, we are not addicted to moving). I think we have finally chosen the best house for us! It has a playground with 2 slides, swings and two levels for climbing. Rod has an office off the living room and I have a sewing/craft room off of the den. There is a HUGE bonus room upstairs where we have toys, the kids tv and my weights. It also has a patio. And we have a cool pool that is FENCED! I can let Reags out to play without any worries (other than AZ wildlife HA HA). No, I am not unpacked completely and it may take me a year! I am being kind to myself and taking it slow - or it may be a little rebellion to the fact I need to unpack again. Our goal is to be settled here until we buy (cross your fingers!).
Taylor celebrated her 15th birthday on the 12th! It was a week of hanging out with all of her buddies! She had a dinner on her actual birthday that Jen & Amelia & a passing boy attended (no need to mention - the facination came and went with record speed) and then had school friends over for Friday the 13th! It is neat being close to more of her friends and having them coming and going!
Reagan is Reagan - my challenging one! She LOVES her preschool! I get a fight every day when I go to pick her up - "No MOMMY, I don't want to go!" Guess that is confirmation that she is where she needs to be. We are working on staying calm and not pitching fits (HA HA - any suggestions are greatly accepted!) I hope she grows out of this - but I am not yet convinced that it will happen.
Matthew is growing up waaaayyyyyyy to fast! He is 10 months old now. We have finally stopped breastfeeding - much to my dismay. He decided and let me know by biting me everytime we tried to nurse. It did not take me long to catch on and throw in the towel. He was DONE - he has not even nudged at the breast since. I am sad though. He now has 5 teeth! He is an expert at crawling and loves to try to climb the stairs (under adult supervision only!). He is starting to let go when he pulls up and will take a few steps when he is in the pack 'n play. I am sure that it won't be long until he is walking!